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We provide a level of stability, school readiness preparedness, and response services 

to students and their families throughout Hillsborough County, Florida.


Back-2-School Health Clinics

Provide NO COST

school physicals, routine immunizations,  COVID vaccine for children, and shot record transfers.

Public Health education

Help individuals, families, and their communities maximize and maintain healthy lifestyles.  

Professional continuation training

Empower partners to support members of the community. 

vaccine AMBASSADOr | advocacy

Advocate public health policies that can improve the wellness of public communities

Health Clinics

Back-2-School Health Clinics

The Back-2-School Coalition of Hillsborough County (B2SCHC) encourages early immunization practices, promotes healthy lifestyle choices, increases parental engagement, and provides information regarding support services to assist uninsured or under-insured students and families new to Hillsborough County.
The B2SCHC members include doctors and nurses from Tampa Bay area hospitals, University pharmaceutical doctors & medical professionals, private medical doctors, corporate partners, and charity organizations.


Senior Level representatives from each of our collaborative partners meet once a month beginning in January through September for strategic planning, logistical forecasting, medical team(s) confirmation, and professional continuation training to host our annual Back-2-School Health Clinics.


While Project LINK, Inc is the administrative arm for the Back To School Coalition of Hillsborough County, our strategic partnerships with healthcare and medical professionals continuously provide new strategies and systems that have a substantial impact on the families we serve year after year.

Public Health Education

Public Health Education


The Back to School Coalition Health education initiatives provide and manage health education programs that help individuals, families, and schools maximize and maintain healthy lifestyles.  


Our goal is to increase the quality, availability, and effectiveness of educational and community-based programs designed to prevent disease and injury, improve health, and enhance the quality of life.


eMerging Healthy Families is one strategy for health promotion and disease prevention awareness. Our health education tools provide learning experiences on health topics, such as Health & Fitness, Recipe Hacks, and Mental Mindfulness, including health benefits/threats, providing tools to build capacity and support behavior change in an appropriate setting.


Our health education activities include:​

  • Seminars

  • Webinars

  • Workshops

  • Clinics

Prof Continuation Training

Professional Continuation Training

Vaccine Ambassadors Initiative - recruit, educate, and empower partners to show support to vaccine-hesitant members of the community.  [click here to learn more.]


Florida Shots training coordination – partner members learn to create and electronically-certify the Form DH 680, which is required for school and vaccine utilization reports: These reports are helpful for providers who participate in the Vaccine for Children (VFC) Program to reconcile the VFC inventory.


Tobacco Cessation Training - advocate, educate, and conduct activities for Providers on tobacco dependence treatment, motivational interviewing, and the Ask-Advise-Refer system.




At the B2SCHC, we put ideas into action to improve the lives of children. We work at the intersection of research, policy, and community engagement to advocate on behalf of children, especially those from underserved communities.


From improving health care to expanding digital health tools and opportunities, our work is to always look for solutions that will make a difference in the lives of children in Tampa Bay. Our unique partnership model harnesses the power of collaboration to break down silos and reinvent systems for delivering quality care and opportunity for children and their families.


The last two years of the COVID-19 pandemic have done nothing less than lay bare the needs of children and their families and expose the gaps in how various social sector agencies—education, mental health, health, social services, and early development and education—are working together to achieve a healthy Tampa Bay.


Our leadership in children’s health advocacy has positioned us as a trusted resource for thought leaders and policymakers on both sides of the aisle. 

Law Office

Join our efforts to keep children and their families safe, healthy and informed. learn how you can make an impact.

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